Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)

Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)


Slabs not touching the ground when assembled

jukefr opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Just had a fun thing happen where a 3 slab long ship with a helm and engine that were not touching the ground turned the entire hill and the bases in it into a ship when assembled.
Pretty much screwed an entire region file, bases were now a couple cubes offset vertically, cubes were merging into each other, anything that was connected with a shaft to the bases got turned into a "ship" too and broke.
Region file had to be restored from an old backup and progression lost.

This literally what the ship looked like before assembly with a helm and motor on opposite sides there is an entire cube of empty between the ground and the slabs

This was the resulting bases after assembly

Only thing i can think of there was a diagonally cobble cube that was diagonally placed next to the ship like


which was touching the ground... (that was used just to get on the ship...)
But the ship was on level y2 and the cube was on level y1 also