Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)

Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)


Missing config for linearStabilizeMaxAntiVelocity while helm is being used.

millennIumAMbiguity opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When linearStabilizeMaxAntiVelocity is set to 0, you can leave the helm and still travel.
But while holding the helm, I need to hold down W to move and when I release the W key, I instantly stop.


same issue, turn speed affects but forward movement does not. It only affects when you're not on the helm, it can be tested if you press W and instantly quit helm.


Duplicate of #105
But explains how linearStabilizeMaxAntiVelocity currently works.