Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)

Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)


Suggestion: AutoPilot and LoaderBlock

WorldsOfRosefire opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It's cool to fly your ship. but also to be passenger. organzie your item, working on your farm while flying. just watch it flying at the sky. let it deliver or send something. some are only possible on a multiplayer server.
The Idea: AutoPilot, with 4 settings for the helm
Autopilot: OFF
Autopilot: Direction
drives forward. speed is alternated by entered value, can not exceed max speed. Direction can be alternated by value to the left or right, that way it can move circular routes or just a small one over your base.
Autopilot: Coord
moves to specific coordinates. speed is alternated by entered value, can not exceed max speed.
Autopilot: Patrol
enter 2 or more coordinates to let it patrol thoese points, after reaching the first ponit it will start moving to the next and start withe first again.

Loader Block
if build into any assembled structure it can load surrounded chunks. crafting: 1 lodestone, 4 netherite_ingot, 4 diamond.