flight doesnt work
TheCodedOne opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Works fine in the standalong mod, so there must be a mod messing with it.
Someone should to a binary search removal of mods through the MMD pack mods to figure out what mod is causing it.
I'll can do it, but that won't be for today :-)
Ok, I finally figured out the conflicting mod: p455w0rdsThings.
Can be reproduced with:
@p455w0rd Any idea what may be causing this?
Creative flight can not be enabled anymore with your mod when double-tapping space.
Tested with p455w0rdsThings-1.9.4-0.0.17a.
Just tested in p455w0rdsThings-1.10.2-0.0.18a, applied the flight ability totem and had no issues flying :)