


Flight ability lost on dimension switch need to re-apply

Crimix opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug

Short description:

Loosing flight when going between dimensions.
This is something many flights mods seem to have some issues with.
I would expects it has something to do with how the player entity is respawned when switching dimensions.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Have flight unlocked.
  2. Go to nether though portal.
  3. Can no longer fly, without first putting the ability back in the bottle and re-applying it.
  4. Then I can fly again. Same thing happens when going back to overworld.

Expected behaviour:

I should be able to fly without having to re-apply the ability after each dimension swtich.


  • This mod: 1.6.0
  • Minecraft: 1.14.4
  • Forge: 28.1.109
  • Modpack Enigmatic 4 version 0.4.4

Log file:


Duplicate of #142. This appears to be the angel ring mod misbehaving. Nothing much I can do about this unfortunately...


Sorry, I will see if I cannot make a PR to the AngelRing mod to make it stop thinking it is the only item allowed to give flight. This is really the only thing we can do