


Add a config to allow XP to be deducted when using a totem, yet unchanged when using the bottle

scottwilson0308 opened this issue · 1 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description:

I'd like to suggest a config option to use XP to apply totems, but not involve XP at all when it comes to the bottle.. kind of like you're enchanting yourself for a set XP cost, but you can use the bottle to toggle abilities on or off, at the risk of losing them if you lose the bottle.

In case that's not clear:

Totem (Bonemealer) used -> XP deducted.
Bonemealer removed from character and placed into bottle -> No XP returned
Bonemealer re-applied from bottle -> No XP cost

Once again, thank you for all of your hard work over the years!


This request and #167 both involve tweaks to the XP system, but have major differences in gameplay.

The goal of this request is to prevent the abuse of the XP system via:
Activating undesirable abilities simply to "store" XP in case of death
Only activating an ability when needed (Waterbreathing) and freeing up the XP once out of water.

The ability to toggle whether or not the XP cost is reversible, via the bottle, would cause players to be more selective with how they spend their XP. This could add more strategy and depth to the mod, for those that want it.

Again, thank you all for all of your hard work over the years! Really appreciated, honestly.