How to backup players abilities?
sawyerfeng opened this issue · 4 comments
Issue type:
- ❓ Question
These abilities are to powerful,and I want to organize an activity, I have to forbidden this mod. I edit false at some of the abilities at config, but when activity was over, I return the config back to normal, players abilities all disappear. I don't know how to fix. I really like this mod, I will be appreciate if you provide me with useful advice. Thanks
Someone will answer your question soon. In the meantime, you might be able to get help more quickly on our Discord server.
Other than removing the mod, this is not possible by default. Shouldn't be too hard to add a config option to disable all abilities from ticking though.
For reference, this is where abilities tick: https://github.com/CyclopsMC/EverlastingAbilities/blob/master-1.16/src/main/java/org/cyclops/everlastingabilities/EverlastingAbilities.java#L335-L348
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