Crafting three totems together crashes client - FTB Skies 1.0.6
AcidaliaP opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Short description:
After another player and I tried it, with absorption and jump boost, either three of the same or two of absorption and one of jump boost, crafting three totems together causes client crash. We're on a server.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
I was using a crafting station, I don't know what the other player was using. Put two totems in at any position, and upon clicking the third totem into the crafting window the client immediately crashes.
Expected behaviour:
Crafting three totems together would yield a third of a random ability.
This mod: EverlastingAbilities 2.0.1
Minecraft: 1.19.2
Forge: 43.2.6
(I hope this worked, I don't use GitHub often)