


Abilities Drop on Death Even with Changed Config

ElfElfElfElfElfElf opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug

Short description:

All abilities drop on death, even when the config file is changed to
dropAbilitiesOnPlayerDeath = 0 and alwaysDropAbilities = false

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Load into the game.
  2. Use the ability bottle provided to the player on world generation.
  3. Die.
  4. Pick up the empty bottle or restart the game for a new ability bottle.
  5. Use the ability bottle and notice that there are no abilities.

These steps were repeated with the same results when only Everlasting Abilities it's dependencies were enabled.

Expected behaviour:

  1. Load into the game.
  2. Use the ability bottle provided to the player on world generation.
  3. Die.
  4. Pick up the empty bottle
  5. Use the ability bottle and notice that the skills are there post death.


  • This mod: everlastingabilities-1.21.4-forge-2.5.0-253.jar
  • Minecraft: 1.21.4
  • Mod loader version: Forge 1.21.4

Log file:


I see you're already using 1.21.4, which is only out in beta atm.
So some problems will most definitely occur.


Thanks for reporting!