Toggle For Abilities?
Kyanlte opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I noticed that for abilities like levitation it affects everything constantly, and always and deactivating the power with my totem is a bit of a hassle, would it be possible to add a toggle for powers?
Hmmm, no new info but a reminder to us about crouch/sneaking + 'Magnetize' or 'Power Stare' is something to test ...
This would definitely be useful. But it should be well thought out, because abilities should be disableable separately.
Good idea! It would be bad if you were flying really high up and accidentally turned it off.
I was just about to make a new issue suggesting this, as I've been thinking of this for quite a while, thanks to Magnetize.. I keep my ability bottle in my inventory just so I can disable it (frequently).
On a side note, I finally just got Flight on my Skyblock map.. EA FTW!