I can't craft added flight totem, I can craft other totems though.
puresmurfing opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Please fill in the following template and make sure your title clear and concisely summarizes the issue.~~
Issue type:
Only keep the issue types that are applicable.
- ๐ Bug
Short description:
I'm trying to add recipes (Through method mentioned at ) for certain Ability Totems (specifically Flight, Saturation, Wither & Poison). All recipes work except for Flight Totem. My crafting xml : https://pastebin.com/uMfSxh6G
Expected behaviour:
I can craft the flight totem
Actual behaviour:
I cant craft the flight totem
Steps to reproduce the problem:
- Add a crafting recipe for flight totem
Exact versions of the following mods, not just latest.
- This mod: 1.12.2-1.3.6
- CyclopsCore: 1.12.2-0.10.23
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: & (Tried both versions
Log file:
I think this is important :
[22:27:12] [main/ERROR] [EverlastingAbilities]: Could not find the predefined item for key 'everlastingabilities:abilityTotem_flight_1'.
Can you try everlastingabilities:abilityTotem_flight_0
? It's possible that the wiki is incorrect and the levels actually start counting from 0 (would have to check that to make sure).
I just tried it and it provides a crafting recipe, however the totem crafted is empty.
I've realised that my other 3 totems were all effect totems, so I'm going to try and create recipe for totems that don't simply provide effects.