:bug: Crash trying to Recycle totems
Nachtflame opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Short description:
When attempting to recycle Ability Totems, client crashes completely back to launcher.
Expected behaviour:
Place required number of totems into crafting grid -> pull out new totem
Actual behaviour:
Place required number of totems into crafting grid, crash back to launcher.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
Place required number of totems into any grid.
Exact versions of the following mods, not just latest.
- Everlasting Abilities: 1.3.7
- CyclopsCore: 0.10.23
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: 2562
Log file:
##Extra Note:
I did just realize that the pack also contains NoMoreRecipeConflict, which may/may not be trying to check all the available recipes when recycling..
Not sure if my situation is related to this or not because I get no actual game crash log. HOWEVER, I do get a pid log error that points to everlasting abilities. After being afk a while playing single player, I just get bounced back to the launcher telling me there was a crash, but no crash log to be found on this issue.
Forge 2560
Minecraft 1.12.2
Oh, and here is the fml and latest logs as well. Nothing showing there either.