Effect feature(s) request
BitBork opened this issue · 4 comments
➕ Feature request
Hi there, I'd like to request some features to be added to this mod, if it's within the scope of it / if the
author has the time.
Short description:
- I'd very much like a feature where negative effects can be applied on the player too. *
- The possibility to apply area-effects to be affecting the player only, or vice versa
(player-only effects to be used in an area)
(* I'm combining this mod with 'JJ Races' , so that I can give each race abilities according to their physique eg. the 'elf' has speed & jump boost, 'kull' has strenght and slowness etc.)
Has this request been considered at all since I posted it? You did say it is out of scope but did also add 'feature long-term'.
Edit: if not, would you allow me to try and find someone who would consider adding these features?