


Seem to be getting too many rare totems

faeldray opened this issue · 1 comments


Issue type:

Only keep the issue types that are applicable.

  • ❓ Has the drop rate/chest spawn rate of different rarities of totems changed in the last update? I ask because previously, I had seen mostly Rarity 1 totems from mob drops and chests. But last night I was playing for about 3 hours and was only exploring/killing things for some of it, and I managed to get 3 Flight totems and 1 Saturation totem (I have the other Rarity 3 totems turned off). Don't get me wrong, I like getting more than Rarity 1 totems, but this seems a little OP now. 😛

  • ➕ Maybe a solution would be allowing us to modify the drop rates of the different rarity levels?


Exact versions of the following mods, not just latest.

  • This mod: 1.3.14
  • CyclopsCore: 0.11.5
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

That was caused by #84 and #85, will be fixed in the next update.