Every Compat (Wood Good)

Every Compat (Wood Good)


Ladders added by the mod are not added to Vanilla's "climbable" block tag.

nitrodynamite18 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


As the title says, the mod adds the ladders successfully but does not add the to the minecraft:climbable block tag. Here's a screenshot of the F3 debug screen using the Witch Hazel ladder.

2022-12-06_00 22 09


Same issue here, can't climb the ladders created by EveryCompat mod.


Is this issue resolved? if yes, then please close this issue.

otherwise, please fill out the missing info:

  • Which Mods Every Compat has an issue with: ???? ( can be multiple mods, one with wood_types and the other with ladders)
  • Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
  • Loader (Forge or Fabric): Forge