Every Compat (Wood Good)

Every Compat (Wood Good)


Massive log spam when disabling any item type

Parkanizor opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Minecraft 1.19.2
Fabric 0.14.17
Every Compat 2.2.2
Game log: https://gist.github.com/Puffadillo/a2279e3232ec0f778187257295a4846f

Hi, I disabled 2 of the wood item types from Every Compat (in order to clean up a pack I'm making) but the mod is throwing massive amounts of errors because of this due to "missing models" (see the game log above.) Even just disabling railings and planter boxes causes over 7,600 lines of errors, and it's causing me considerable lag. A fix would be much appreciated if possible.


Ok I ran a test on this with the latest version:

  • Every Compat v2.6.34
  • Moonlight lib v2.10.3

there is no spam in the log with specific 2 items turned off.

wrong version. that was 1.20.1. I ran test on 1.19.2 with:

  • Every Compat v2.5.19
  • Moonlight Lib v2.3.6

the spam still shows up. I'll see if I can apply the fix from 1.20.1 to 1.19.2


Fixed 1.19.2 and will be in the next version


should be fixed


This is mostly fixed in 2.3.1, thanks. I'm still getting some missing texture log spam; although it's not as extreme as 7,600 lines, it's still here to some degree:

Using missing texture, file everycomp:textures/block/af/betterend/planter_box/tenanea_supports.png not found

It seems to only be with the planter box from Another Furniture.


is it fully fixed in the latest version?


Definitely still happening on the newest version for 1.20.1:
https://mclo.gs/vJzGStO (line 2280-6689)

Minecraft: 1.20.1
Every Compat: 1.20-2.6.31
Forge: 47.2.20


Hi, I disabled 2 of the wood item types from Every Compat

which wood item types???


which wood item types???

It looks like they turned off the planter box from 'Another Furniture' and the railings from 'Architects Pallette'