Every Compat (Wood Good)

Every Compat (Wood Good)


TF Quark posts are named inconsistently with other blocks of their wood types

saltyseadoggo opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Some of the Quark posts this mod adds for Twilight Forest are named inconsistently with other blocks of their wood types. They are as follows:

  • Mining Post should be Minewood Post
  • Transformation Post should be Transwood Post
  • Ditto for their stripped versions

Timewood, darkwood, sortingwood, twilight oak, canopy and mangrove posts and their stripped counterparts all have correct names.


if this problem still persists, then please fill in the following:
Minecraft Version:
Loader: (Forge or Fabric)
EveryCompat (EC) Version:
Which Mods does EC have an issue with:

otherwise, please close this issue, thanks!


i have tested to confirm that the issue still exist.
minecraft 1.19.2
forge 43.2.8
moonlight lib 2.2.46
every compat 2.5.10

mods involved with the issue:
autoreglib 1.8.2-55
quark 3.4-414
twilight forest 4.2.1518


alright, I'll look in this


This can be fixed by adding custom translations for those wood types on the Lang. Weird I thought I already had them


alright, I'll check the EN_US to make sure everything is good



This can be fixed by adding custom translations for those wood types on the Lang. Weird I thought I already had them

Ok. I've investigated the EN_US and it is quite strange. Can you tell me what's going on?

here's from my side. There are 4 woods from The Twilight Forest:

  • Darkwood Log
  • Timewood Log
  • Transwood Log
  • Sortingwood Log

The other wood types are Minewood, Canopy, Twilight Oak, and Mangrove. They do not have a Log or stripped Log.
Just furniture:

  • stairs
  • slabs
  • fences
  • so on and on

Ignore above.

I understand what's the problem. The reason why these 2 woods: Minewood & Transwood used the wrong naming is due to the ID: transformation_<block> & mining_<block>. it seems the system used that as a base name. It's the same for other blocks.


Fixed & will be in the next version later