Every Compat (Wood Good)

Every Compat (Wood Good)


9 megabytes of everycomp errors in log

inikishev opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Seems like chipped moved their textures so all their EC blocks can't find them


Does this issue still persist, if no, then please close this issue


Does this issue still persist, if no, then please close this issue

it does https://gist.github.com/stunlocked1/c01e110137157f70260cd2bdfc1f4066


Can you fill the information:

  • EveryCompat version: ??????

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Loader: Fabric
Moonlight Lib: 2.8.50
Which Mods does EC have an issue with:

  • Chipped v3.0.1

Extra Information:

File Not Found:

  • chipped:block/oak_planks/ctm/oak_planks_panel_ctm

  • chipped:block/oak_planks/ctm/cornered_oak_planks_ctm

  • chipped:block/oak_planks/ctm/enclosed_oak_planks_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_bared_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_bordered_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_horizontal_lined_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_large_diamond_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_line_bared_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_ornate_bared_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_woven_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/square_oak_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_bared_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/square_oak_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_woven_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_ornate_bared_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_line_bared_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_large_diamond_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_horizontal_lined_glass_ctm

  • chipped:block/glass/ctm/oak_bordered_glass_ctm

Failed To Generate texture:

  • Failed to generate texture everycomp:block/ch/blockus/legacy_planks/brick_bond_oak_planks
  • Failed to generate texture everycomp:block/ch/blockus/legacy_planks/polished_oak_planks

@MehVahdJukaar look at this โ˜๏ธ that's the same issue with Terraqeuous. We'll need to find out what's the cause to failed to generate texture

  • EveryCompat version: ??????

its 1.20-2.6.7


Maybe nearer versions changed the locations of those textures and ec still looks in the old place or they are straight out wrong. Does ctm work for chipped EC stuff?


Maybe nearer versions changed the locations of those textures and ec still looks in the old place or they are straight out wrong. Does ctm work for chipped EC stuff?

I am going to investigate the ctm stuff.


hmm. I checked the Forge version, same issue. Something's wrong with the module

ok this makes no sense. I checked the path to chipped:block/oak_planks/ctm/... and it is correct. yet it cannot find the files?



Found the cause. The CTM textures have changed. and it's a major change. The github's source code is outdated.
An alternative method is to use 7zip to look in the official mod, chipped v3.0.1 and check the path of these CTM textures.

The cause for failed to generate texture is unknown.

The reason for these "failed to generate textures" could be due to the number of colors being less than 7 colors which is not enough for the system to create a new texture. This is not confirmed. Something to keep in mind.

On another note, it is confirmed on Terraqueous mod where 3 types of Clouds' textures have 5 numbers of colours and it leads to "Failed to generate textures".


The issue regarding the texturing with CTM stuff. The fixes will be included in v2.6.9.

1.20.1 is finished & running test

ran into an issue regarding 3 blocks with CTM texture. Will take some time to resolve.

Finished and it will be in the next version, v2.6.9