Every Compat (Wood Good)

Every Compat (Wood Good)


[🐞]: Failed to generate recipe 1.19.2

Krimatoria opened this issue · 52 comments


Before Continuing:

  • Always check you are using the latest version of the mods and its dependencies
  • Remove mod that enhances Minecraft: Optifine, Sodium, others. The issue still persists.
  • If you are unsure which mod is the culprit.
    Disable all of your mods and enable them 1-2 mods each time to isolate the culprit
  • Confirm that there is no existing issue with a similar description submitted in the list of issues.





EveryCompat Version


Moonlight Lib Version


Issue with mods

Regions Unexplored (edited by Xel), Garden of the Dead, Endlessbiomes, Cataclysm

Issue Detail

Judging by Q/RU and EvCompat, this is again a combined problem @Xelbayria BrimWood Chest Texture Fail but with recipes. I found that texture problem, maybe you remember me ahah) I looked at it like there were no applications for these problems in your logs on Github

It seems that this is something new))) If I see something visual, I'll send a screenshot, I haven't seen it yet.

OPTIONAL: Latest.log | Crash-report Attachment

[08Feb2024 02:53:52.515] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/pink_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18839 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.515] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/endlessbiomes/twisted_post: recipe template returned null
18840 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.515] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/yellow_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18841 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.515] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/gardens_of_the_dead/whistlecane_post: recipe template returned null
18842 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.515] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/gardens_of_the_dead/soulblight_post: recipe template returned null
18843 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.516] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/green_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18844 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.516] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/endlessbiomes/penumbra_post: recipe template returned null
18845 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.516] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/blue_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18846 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.516] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/cataclysm/chorus_post: recipe template returned null

[08Feb2024 02:53:52.665] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/pink_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18855 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.665] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/endlessbiomes/twisted_post: recipe template returned null
18856 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.665] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/yellow_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18857 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.666] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/gardens_of_the_dead/whistlecane_post: recipe template returned null
18858 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.666] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/gardens_of_the_dead/soulblight_post: recipe template returned null
18859 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.666] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/green_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18860 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.666] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/endlessbiomes/penumbra_post: recipe template returned null
18861 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.666] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/blue_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
18862 | [08Feb2024 02:53:52.666] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/cataclysm/chorus_post: recipe template returned null

OPTIONAL: To Produce

L_Enders_Cataclysm-1.90 tongue fixed-1.19.2.jar
EndlessBiomes 1.4s - 1.19.2 (Server-friendly).jar


I understand you) Can I give a link to this GitHub branch for example for Endless Biomes and other mods with texture problem in file names? When I wrote to them in Discord, they said they would fix penumbra_stem_top

I think if the developers saw the problem directly, it would be easier for them to fix it. Again, they would have seen your answers here.

In general, I am familiar with Craft Tweaker, I have Kubajs, but I do not know anything about scripts.

If you can give me the link to their issue, i'll give the details of what needs to be fixed. Seeing in here, it's a long scrolling.

I checked the ctgui via CraftTweaker, it's not working. I looked up and there is a faster way to create a script. a mod called Just CTGUI. You can create the recipe via GUI for the whistlecane_post. (if you are not familiar with script for CraftTweaker, too)


Я вас понимаю) Можно ли дать ссылку на эту ветку GitHub например для Endless Biomes и других модов с проблемой текстур в именах файлов? Когда я написал им в Дискорд, они сказали, что исправят penumbra_stem_top

Думаю, если бы разработчики увидели проблему напрямую, им было бы проще ее исправить. Опять же, они бы увидели здесь ваши ответы.
В целом с Craft Tweaker я знаком, Кубайс у меня есть, но о скриптах ничего не знаю.

Если вы дадите мне ссылку на их проблему, я подробно расскажу, что нужно исправить. Видишь здесь, это долгая прокрутка.

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: я проверил ctguiчерез CraftTweaker , он не работает. Я поискал и обнаружил, что есть более быстрый способ создать скрипт. мод под названием Just CTGUI . Вы можете создать рецепт через графический интерфейс для файлаWhistlecane_post. (если вы также не знакомы со скриптом для CraftTweaker)


Then it's easier to create branches in github mods. And I'll mark you there? The only thing that can't be fixed is:

  1. L_Ender 's Cataclysm
  2. Born in chaos

They don't consider it a problem. It's useless in Discord, but there aren't any on GitHub.


hmm u have discord? can we use Discord to talk about the mods' problems?
and I see. They are bad programmers, that's unfortunate.

Born In Chaos - there is a simple workaound to fix the problem, 9just a filename that need renaming)
Endless Biomes is the one that has problems that need to be fixed (again, just filenames that need renaming).
L_ender's Cataclysm - I'll check it out and see if i can apply the fix (I've created the code for)

since there is no progress with the other Devs, I'll upload the newer version with the fix to Curseforge later today. i need to clean up the code.


хм, у вас разногласия? можем ли мы использовать Discord, чтобы поговорить о проблемах модов? и я вижу. Они плохие программисты, и это прискорбно.

Born In Chaos - есть простой способ решить проблему: 9просто имя файла, которое нужно переименовать) Endless Biomes - это тот, у которого есть проблемы, которые нужно исправить (опять же, только имена файлов, которые нужно переименовать). L_ender’s Cataclysm — я проверю и посмотрю, смогу ли я применить исправление (я создал код для этого)

поскольку с другими разработчиками прогресса нет, я загружу более новую версию с исправлением в Curseforge позже сегодня. мне нужно почистить код.

I understand this is off topic. I constantly have a build of 280 mods crashing on the server with friends. With this error. Do you know what this means? At least which way to think)?

io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

[Netty Server IO # 22/ERROR]: Error receiving packet 80
22288 | java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null


I have my guess and suspicion. i'll need the latest.log to confirm


I've taken a look at the recipe problems. I had no problem on my side. Try to update Moonlight Lib to the latest version and check if these recipes have been generated without any problem.


Я рассмотрел проблемы с рецептами. У меня не было проблем с моей стороны. Попробуйте обновить Moonlight Lib до последней версии и проверьте, были ли эти рецепты созданы без проблем.

I will try


But I have the latest version moonlight-1.19.2-2.3.6-forge.jar


But I have the latest version moonlight-1.19.2-2.3.6-forge.jar

Do the recipe problems persist?


@Xelbayria everycomp-1.19.2-2.5.18.jar

Images ![image](https://github.com/MehVahdJukaar/WoodGood/assets/106809386/0ae8e996-26ce-44c1-874b-e6c0679dd5f1)

If the error appears again, I will send the log.



I have my guess and suspicion. i'll need the latest.log to confirm

If the error appears again, I will send the log.


hmm u have discord? can we use Discord to talk about the mods' problems? and I see. They are bad programmers, that's unfortunate.

Born In Chaos - there is a simple workaound to fix the problem, 9just a filename that need renaming) Endless Biomes is the one that has problems that need to be fixed (again, just filenames that need renaming). L_ender's Cataclysm - I'll check it out and see if i can apply the fix (I've created the code for)

since there is no progress with the other Devs, I'll upload the newer version with the fix to Curseforge later today. i need to clean up the code.

Only English?


second pls

uh. Seems there is a miscommunication. What I mean is it's not worth to fix the problem on Every Compat's side because it's a simple problem on the mod's side. you just need to speak to these mods' dev about the problem and have them fix the texture's filename to have the same formats like in my previous message. It won't even take 5 minutes for these devs to fix their problem. it's a very small problem.

you still haven't answered my question:

does the recipe problems persist?


второй, пожалуйста

Эм-м-м. Кажется, произошло недопонимание. Я имею в виду, что не стоит исправлять проблему на стороне Every Compat , потому что это простая проблема на стороне мода. вам просто нужно поговорить с разработчиками этих модов о проблеме и попросить их исправить имя файла текстуры, чтобы оно имело те же форматы, что и в моем предыдущем сообщении. Этим разработчикам не понадобится и 5 минут, чтобы решить свою проблему. это очень маленькая проблема.

вы так и не ответили на мой вопрос:

проблемы с рецептом сохраняются?

Sorry for the long answer, I was just dealing with the log, for some reason it constantly throws out when playing with friends. I'm going to go into the test world right now and take a look. 2 minutes)

UPD: I'm creating a world that's a little longer than expected.


second pls

uh. Seems there is a miscommunication. What I mean is it's not worth to fix the problem on Every Compat's side because it's a simple problem on the mod's side. you just need to speak to these mods' dev about the problem and have them fix the texture's filename to have the same formats like in my previous message. It won't even take 5 minutes for these devs to fix their problem. it's a very small problem.

you still haven't answered my question:

does the recipe problems persist?

Those mistakes that were in the beginning with the recipes of Every Compact (Wood Good) are completely gone. Congratulations) 🔥🔥🔥


There are some warnings. I'll check it again right now. But there are no red ERRORS associated with your mod.


@Xelbayria everycomp-1.19.2-2.5.18.jar

You haven't answered my questions, does the recipe problem persist?

You may want to speak to the dev. I won't fix it because it can be fixed on the mod's side. I already looked in other mods with texture problems from your first picture. it's just a simple inconsistent filename.

it has to be like this

  • stripped_oak_log.png
  • stripped_oak_log_top.png
  • oak_log.png
  • oak_log_top.png

these are standard formats and are consistent with the ID of the block in-game.



Вы не ответили на мои вопросы, проблема с рецептом сохраняется?

Возможно, вы захотите поговорить с разработчиком. Я не буду это исправлять, потому что это можно исправить на стороне мода. Я уже смотрел в других модах с проблемами текстур с вашей первой картинки. это просто простое противоречивое имя файла.

это должно быть так

  • stripped_oak_log.png
  • stripped_oak_log_top.png
  • oak_log.png
  • oak_log_top.png

это стандартные форматы, соответствующие идентификатору блока в игре.

second pls

ERROR [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/yellow_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null
I don't understand anything and I'm tired))))
> [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/gardens_of_the_dead/soulblight_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/yellow_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/green_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/pink_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/endlessbiomes/twisted_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/cataclysm/chorus_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.310] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/regions_unexplored/blue_bioshroom_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.311] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/endlessbiomes/penumbra_post: recipe template returned null > [20Feb2024 01:28:56.311] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.mehvahdjukaar.every_compat.EveryCompat/]: Failed to generate recipe for q/gardens_of_the_dead/whistlecane_post: recipe template returned null

UPD: But there is no recipe for creation.... [It does not show the recipe how to create this - yellow bioshroom post]

Images ![image](https://github.com/MehVahdJukaar/WoodGood/assets/106809386/ad2f5947-d62f-4944-9022-4ec7ee4a7a0c) ![image](https://github.com/MehVahdJukaar/WoodGood/assets/106809386/51ed7efb-4cff-446d-9f0a-0960210e04ea)

In short))) Ahha
I do not know, I'm tired of digging into configs) I just want to play already...)))

I'm going to eat)

I tried deleting the config files and uploading them again. And they were different by the way) At the moment, I have made a new world. But the same ones are still present. I cursed all these [posts], he shows the recipe somewhere, somewhere not. These are probably the interconnected mods like [Endless Biomes] and so on. I wrote to them in Discord. They said they would fix this recipe. Good night)


There is no prescription



More Image



ok... with the last comment, is it all good now?


I figured out what the problem was. The wood blocks from these mods have other wood names. That's why he can't create this item. They just need to change the name of the tree, or you need to register these names to create these items, probably)

I didn't understand what the problem was before. With these recipes from mods.

You probably misunderstood the photo. There remained the previous selected recipe on the left. And on the right is the item for which the recipe was not created. But it's not visible there, I forgot that the mouse pointer is not visible. I'm going to do it all over again and show you. I did it a little wrong, so it looks like everything is fine.

Now I understand. In the update, you also fixed and added the Braidwood chest and other problems were fixed there

And this, as I understand it, is a completely new problem.


The way this item is used


What is the problem with creating them. Post - created from wood, which is created from wood.

2024-02-20_16 28 38

2024-02-20_16 31 39
2024-02-20_16 32 50

### > That's the problem. From the logs of this tree, wood is created, only it is not in the name of the object itself. The recipe is the same, the name is different. Therefore, your mod is looking for a recipe from this tree that is. But he can't create a [post] because when he gets to the wood, it's not in the block name. hence the conflict in creating recipes for these 9 mods. > > They changed the name of the common wood of their trees to another one.

2024-02-20_16 33 43


ок... с последним комментарием, сейчас все хорошо?


I played last night. The principle is this. You create the world. You need to open the recipes. Choose one of these items. This is a post on which a pointer is placed for which there is no recipe. The names of the 9 items are shown in the 9 photos above.

  1. yellow_bioshroom_post
  2. chorus_post
  3. soulblight_post
  4. green_bioshroom_post
  5. blue_bioshroom_post
  6. whistlecane_post
  7. twisted_post
  8. penumbra_post
  9. pink_bioshroom_post

q/unexplored regions/yellow_bioshrum_post
q/garden of death/spiritual fasting
q/unexplored regions/green_bioshroom_post
q/unexplored regions/blue_bioshroom_post
q/infinite biomes/twisted_post
q/infinite biomes/penumbra_post
q/unexplored regions/pink_bioshroom_post

You probably misunderstood the photo. There remained the previous selected recipe on the left. And on the right is the item for which the recipe was not created. But it's not visible there, I forgot that the mouse pointer is not visible. I'm going to do it all over again and show you. I did it a little wrong, so it looks like everything is fine.


These mods have the right wood, only its name has been changed. Their log has been replaced with Stem. And the name of the wood itself is generally different)))))))

Twisted Stem - Endless Biomes
Penumbra Stem - Endless Biomes
Soulblight Stem - Garden of The Dead
Green Bioshroom Stem - Region Unexplored -
Blue Bioshroom Stem - Region Unexplored
Yellow Bioshroom Stem - Region Unexplored
Pink Bioshroom Stem - Region Unexplored

Cataclysm, in principle, is not like that, they have wood [chorus], but there is no log, more precisely, there is only a hollow version of it. And the name of the wood has been changed to Stem

Garden Of The Dead is even worse) They don't have any logs or wood with that name [whistlecane] at all, they only have boards.


2024-02-20_16 56 41

I hope we understand each other now, if we can fix this on the mod's side perfectly. If not, then you can mention the mod developers here, maybe they will change the name of logs and trees. But it is very tedious))

More Image



hmm. I'll need to look at this again. and just one feedback. please don't use too many pictures. just 1 WoodType or 2 is good enough.

or you can hide them using this

<summary> H3-Hello world </summary>

H3-Hello World
your images
your images


it would look like this:

Hello World ### This is text

your images

Please update your comments and reduce them to a smaller scroll. tbh, i don't like long scrolling 😩


хм. Мне нужно будет посмотреть на это еще раз. и всего один отзыв. пожалуйста, не используйте слишком много изображений. достаточно одного или двух WoodType.

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: или вы можете скрыть их, используя это

<summary> H3-Hello world </summary>

H3-Hello World
your images
your images


это будет выглядеть так:

Привет, мир
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ 2. Пожалуйста, обновите свои комментарии и уменьшите их до меньшего размера. если честно, я не люблю долгую прокрутку 😩



I've fixed all of your comments with images. :\


I've fixed all of your comments with images. :\

Whatever that means) I kind of did what you asked)


Whatever that means) I kind of did what you asked)

Yes, it's fine. what I mean is all of your comments with images. which I just take care of them. no worries. I'm taking another look at this problem with recipes


Ok, I've taken a look at each post and all of them except whistlecane_post have recipes and they are all correct. whitlecane_post doesn't have the recipe because it doesn't have "wood" or "Hyphae" which is another word similar to "wood"

I'll apply a small fix for this. I'll improve the code that fixes whistlecane texture problem for Hollow Log so it can be applied to other wood/stem that doesn't have the correct filename for "top" texture


have you sent messages to these devs of the Endless Biomes about the filename format issues?


I had trouble following you because of your "too many comments".

Gardens of the dead

Don't worry about this, this is a unique one because it doesn't have the stripped_texture and the filename format is fine except block is used as a unique name for the block which don't have stem or log

Endless Biomes

it has issues with filenames. here's the picture:

Image Example


as you can see it should have **underscores** looking like this: `penumbra_log_top` and `penumbra_log`. it's the same for other wood, `Twisted` `penumbralogtop` can be seen as "one word" which is not good because **EveryCompat** won't able to get it right as you can see the problems above.

Born in Chaos

yeah. there is a solution for Born In Chaos: #133 and this is your issue: #390
I don't think the dev will bother fixing it because they think the cause is something else. unfortunately, they think it's Every Compat's fault. this is not the first time I've seen a disagreement between 2 Devs


Мне было трудно следить за вами из-за вашего «слишком большого количества комментариев».

Сады мертвых

Не беспокойтесь об этом, это уникальное имя, поскольку оно не имеет Stripped_texture и формат имени файла подходит, за исключением того, что блок используется в качестве уникального имени для блока, у которого нет основы или журнала .

Бесконечные биомы

у него проблемы с именами файлов. вот картинка:

Пример изображения
как вы можете видеть, там должны быть подчеркивания, выглядящие следующим образом: penumbra_log_top и penumbra_log. то же самое касается и других пород дерева: «Twisted» и «penumbralogtop» можно рассматривать как «одно слово», что нехорошо, потому что EveryCompat не сможет сделать это правильно, как вы можете видеть вышеописанные проблемы.

Рожденный в хаосе

ага. есть решение для Born In Chaos : #133 , и это ваша проблема: #390 Я не думаю, что разработчик станет ее исправлять, потому что они думают, что причина в чем-то другом. к сожалению, они думают, что это вина **Every Compat . **это не первый раз, когда я вижу разногласия между двумя разработчиками

I feel awkward now) It is difficult for me to write in English through a translator. And I'm not used to GitHub yet.


no worries. I can tell that you are not familiar with English and not used to github. I'm just trying to figure out a way to solve this problem.


no worries. I can tell that you are not familiar with English and not used to github. I'm just trying to figure out a way to solve this problem.

That's what I said)))) aaaa ) Ok) I write via Google translator)


Вы отправляли сообщения разработчикам Endless Biomes о проблемах с форматом имени файла?

Ahah, are you following me?)))))
Yes, I wrote to them about these mistakes, they said they would fix it)


[19Feb2024 00:06:20.423] [Worker-ResourceReload-5/ERROR] [ModernFix/]: Using missing texture, unable to load endlessbiomes:block/penumbra_stem_top
[19Feb2024 00:06:20.657] [Worker-ResourceReload-2/ERROR] [ModernFix/]: Using missing texture, unable to load endlessbiomes:block/twisted_stem_top
[19Feb2024 00:06:08.246] [Worker-ResourceReload-1/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery/]: Unable to load model: 'minecraft:reachingmarula' referenced from: endlessbiomes:reaching_marula#: java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/reachingmarula.json
[19Feb2024 00:14:09.324] [Worker-ResourceReload-7/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery/]: Unable to load model: 'minecraft:reachingmarula' referenced from: endlessbiomes:reaching_marula#: java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/reachingmarula.json

Born in chaos. They said I had a broken version of the mod. I won't be able to explain to them in Discord that the problem is with the missing texture file, they think it's an error I had when downloading minecraft. Although it is exactly the same as yours Endlessbiomes. They just need to fix the texture file somehow.

Born in chaos

[Worker-ResourceReload-1/ERROR] [ModernFix/]: Using missing texture, unable to load born_in_chaos_v1:block/scorched_log_top

L_Ender's Cataclysm - they say it's not critical. Apparently there will be no correction)
[21Feb2024 19:09:23.913] [Worker-ResourceReload-5/ERROR] [ModernFix/]: Using missing texture, unable to load cataclysm:block/chorus_stem_top


What I've learned about the problem of textures and recipes. it's quite a mess on Endless Biomes & Gardens Of The Dead. 😩 it's quite a headache to fix this. I really prefer that the Devs correct the filename format.

For whistlecane_post's recipe, you should use CraftTweaker or KubeJS to add the recipe for that.

Anyway, the texture problem is fixed for now. And I won't fix the recipe problem. it can be easily fixed by either 2 mods I mentioned above. Let me know if you don't know how to use CraftTweaker or KubeJS, perhaps, I can provide you the script you need to fix the problem.


Что я узнал о проблеме текстур и рецептов. В Endless Biomes & Gardens Of The Dead полный беспорядок . 😩исправлять это довольно головная боль. Я действительно предпочитаю, чтобы разработчики исправили формат имени файла.

Для рецептаWhistlecane_post вам следует использовать CraftTweaker или KubeJS , чтобы добавить рецепт.

В любом случае, проблема с текстурами на данный момент решена. И я не буду исправлять проблему с рецептом. это можно легко исправить двумя модами, которые я упомянул выше. Дайте мне знать, если вы не знаете, как использовать CraftTweaker или KubeJS, возможно, я смогу предоставить вам скрипт, необходимый для решения проблемы.

I understand you) Can I give a link to this GitHub branch for example for Endless Biomes and other mods with texture problem in file names? When I wrote to them in Discord, they said they would fix penumbra_stem_top

"Endless Biomes" - Thanks again, I'll see if I can fix it ASAP

I think if the developers saw the problem directly, it would be easier for them to fix it. Again, they would have seen your answers here.

In general, I am familiar with Craft Tweaker, I have Kubajs, but I do not know anything about scripts.


Проблема с текстурами Brimwood исправлена ​​в версии 1.20.1 , она будет в

  • v2.6.33 EveryCompat _
  • v2.9.14 Moonlight Lib

то же исправление будет применено к версии 1.19.2 и будет в более новой версии.

Great Work)


just happy to see it fixed. I'll have to look at the recipe problem after the fix is applied for 1.19.2


just happy to see it fixed. I'll have to look at the recipe problem after the fix is applied for 1.19.2

Me too)


It's been such a long journey.


indeed it is.
Just forget the code that includes Brimwood texture, I decided to create a custom texture just for that chest.

of course you won't able to see the animation, and it's working on the chest. that is a better solution and I'll redo the fix for 1.20.1, too.


hmm, I'll find out what's going on with this.


the only reason why these recipes failed to be generated is because there are missing required blocks. IIRC whistlecane doesn't have a stripped block so some recipes require a stripped block to craft a product. That goes for textures, too.

the problem is the ID format mentioned in the other issue that you provide a link to.

if a texture required stripped block texture to be included as the texture for the block in another mod, then yeah. that can lead to the purple/black texture you are seeing.


Can't it be made darker? Adding a little bit of black, pieces) Sorry, I'm just a photographer and my visual is a tragedy)

Do as you want, I just threw off the original Brim texture as a reference. You did it well, but if you add a little more dark tones, it will look more ominous) But this is just my vision)

Your mod, do as you see fit)

Yes, I see by the way the texture is really animated, the pixel colors change there uhhh)

Although I've looked right now, I hardly see any differences, but it will be clear when it will be possible to test and see) I just really like this texture. She reminded me of the Lord of the Rings.


You mean make the border darker. Current texture the planks texture directly


Вы имеете в виду сделать границу темнее. Текущая текстура: непосредственно текстура досок.

I would have known what else I mean) Yes, probably if I did, I would make the border lines of the chest, darker. But I don't quite understand ent, I would first need to see where this tree appears at all. Then I might think)


I'm looking at other chests and trying to find something interesting)


The texture of the chest resembles a ring of power)))

в самом деле. Просто забудьте код, включающий текстуру Бримвуда, я решил создать собственную текстуру специально для этого сундука. анимированный_сундук

конечно, вы не сможете увидеть анимацию, и на сундуке она работает. это лучшее решение, и я переделаю исправление и для версии 1.20.1.

Didn't it work out what you wanted in the beginning? Ohhh by the way, you told me about animation. Are you talking about the chest opening animation? I just saw it somewhere and thought it was a bug, but I didn't pay attention to it. And I have seen such chests that open, the texture remains in place, but it is broken. Then I will make [branches] with such problems if I see them. Damn, when will I be able to just play Minecraft ahaha

But I really want to correct these visual errors, or rather report them. I don't even know why I'm interested in this. Maybe I like making Minecraft better.


Brimwood texture problem is fixed in 1.20.1, it will be in

  • v2.6.33 of EveryCompat
  • v2.9.14 of Moonlight Lib

the same fix will be applied to 1.19.2 & will be in the newer version.