Every Compat (Wood Good)

Every Compat (Wood Good)


Hedges added by Every Compat have missing item textures

NJL5390 opened this issue ยท 18 comments


Every Compat Version: 1.3.2
Selene Version: 1.17.4
Latest Log: https://gist.github.com/NJL5390/b8c45d463a6b89b047679502d8268a81

Only noticed this after updating Every Compat to the latest version. Just the item textures are missing, the block textures are totally fine, it's the textures for the items that seem to be missing.
2022-06-09_17 45 00
2022-06-09_17 45 10
2022-06-09_17 55 10
This only started happening when I updated the mod to the latest version, everything was working fine beforehand.

Thanks for the fantastic mod! I've been needing a mod like this for a very long time so thank you very much for making it!


that's a weird issue. I've seen somebody else have it but I couldn not replicate it. Can you send me your log?


Here's my latest log: https://gist.github.com/NJL5390/b8c45d463a6b89b047679502d8268a81

I reset the every compat config file before I updated in case that has anything to do with it.
(i.e I deleted it and let it regenerate when the game started up afterwards.)


oh sorry I did't see you already sent one. Unfortunately it doesnt show much. What mods do you have that add wood types? It might be that when one of them fails all other models fail to get added too


For the session that generated the log that I sent, I just used: Blue Skies, Quark and Twilight Forest.

So it could be one of those, or all of them. I haven't had a chance to test much. I'll be sure to update you if I do get around to doing more testing though!


Check the newest version. Might have been fixed


I'm afraid not.
2022-06-10_15 29 59


hm damn I was sure I did fix a similar issue. Can you try without blue skies and maybe try adding other mods that add wood types too?
Last issue I fixed happened when one had too little wood types oddly enough


I released yet another update and I still cant personally replicate this. Can you confirm if it's still there?


Unfortunately, It still is.
2022-06-12_00 13 34

hm damn I was sure I did fix a similar issue. Can you try without blue skies and maybe try adding other mods that add wood types too? Last issue I fixed happened when one had too little wood types oddly enough

In the screenshot you can see that I added several biome mods to up the wood type amount and that did not seem to affect the issue at all.

I also tested without Blue Skies earlier and that didn't affect the issue at all.

Sorry for the long delay between replies, I'm fairly busy with IRL stuff at the moment, so I'm just updating you on this whenever I can.


Every Compat Version: 1.5.0
Selene Version: 1.17.6
Latest Log: https://gist.github.com/BookerCatch/dce8e640cafcffdb7e17d17d814e528a#file-gistfile1-txt-L385

I'm getting the same issue. Worth checking

throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Could not convert output item %s", output));

And consequently line 166 here.


I'm aware of where its failing, I just dont know how as it seems it would be impossible to me. I added more debugging logs. I cant fix this until I'm able to personally replicate it (I still cant, both the recipe and texture work for me)


Biome Makeover 1.18.2-1.4.24
Every Compat 1.18.2-1.5.1
Quark 3.2-357
Selene 1.18.2-1.17.7



I'm afraid the issue is still present.


Ok it should be fixed. Still I have little idea of why that happening. Oak hedge item was somehow getting nuked without throwing errors and at random and I still don't know why


I literally have no idea anymore then. Do oak hedges show up? Oddly that update solved it for me and I'm not doing hacky stuff anymore with those. Root cause of the issue was that oak hedges items where getting messed up for whatever reason


No, I'm not finding oak hedges in the menus at all, now that you have mentioned it. They still exist in the game, I can get them using the /give command or via crafting them but they don't show up in the creative mode or JEI menus at all.
2022-06-13_09 37 42

Something I will say, is that I remember reading in the selene changelogs recently that you had changed something to do with how it handles leaves. I think it was around that time that this issue started happening. So maybe those changes might have something to do with this issue?


Ok I believe I actually fixed this


Ok I believe I actually fixed this

Just tested the latest version and the bug's been squashed. Thanks!


It is fixed for me as well! Thanks for your commitment to addressing this issue. We all appreciate your help!