- 0
Crash after disabling werewolf villagers
#218 opened by rubensworks - 0
Dark Tank NEI null fluid exception.
#220 opened by rubensworks - 1
NBTClassType write for field 'amount' sometimes fails.
#222 opened by rubensworks - 0
Blood Stained Blocks destroyed by explosion incorrect
#223 opened by rubensworks - 0
Shapeless Book recipes incorrect
#224 opened by rubensworks - 0
Fixes for Forge 10.13.3
#226 opened by rubensworks - 1
Exalted Crafter Tweak
#225 opened by bpwhelan - 0
Eternal Water Buckets empty ExU Drums instead of filling
#229 opened by rubensworks - 1
API files being packaged to jar
#230 opened by rubensworks - 4
Make broom use some sort of fuel!
#231 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 0
Infobook NPE
#232 opened by rubensworks - 1
[Suggestion] Upgradeable Blood Extractor
#233 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 0
VengeanceSpirit crash with Fastcraft
#234 opened by rubensworks - 5
Blood Infuser crash
#235 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 0
Invigorating Pendant incorrectly removing debufs
#237 opened by rubensworks - 0
Lower BOEC spawn rate
#236 opened by rubensworks - 1
Vengenance focus not in the book
#238 opened by wizard1399 - 5
Blood Infusor crush
#239 opened by slammaja - 2
Cfg option to blacklist certain items from blood chest
#240 opened by cauliflower69 - 0
Improve oredict handling
#241 opened by rubensworks - 1
HP-less entities cause issues when killed
#242 opened by rubensworks - 0
Dark Tank z-fighting
#243 opened by rubensworks - 0
Commands permissions
#244 opened by rubensworks - 0
Blood Infuser input sides
#245 opened by rubensworks - 1
Vengeance spirit attracts attacks
#246 opened by kutschkem - 1
View current value of a config when using evilcraft config command
#247 opened by immortaleeb - 0
Effortless ring not really effortless when swimming
#248 opened by JonaBrackenwood - 1
Server crash with blood extractor
#249 opened by LemADEC - 1
Client crash - unable to render ModelBloodStainedBlock
#250 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Envir Acc appendix wrong import
#251 opened by rubensworks - 0
NPE on NBTSimpleInventory
#252 opened by rubensworks - 8
Suggestion new enchant instead of FortuneX
#255 opened by Saereth - 1
#256 opened by Melledrin - 1
Possible texture error in Turkish
#258 opened by rubensworks - 0
Degraded Biome index out of bounds
#257 opened by rubensworks - 1
Not working with Forge 1.8-Forge11.14.3.1450
#260 opened by rubensworks - 0
BOP Blood Stained Block crash
#259 opened by rubensworks - 2
Error by registering event (Enchantment-ID)
#261 opened by chaos234 - 0
Burning Gemstone stacksize can become zero
#262 opened by rubensworks - 0
Spirits always spawning
#263 opened by rubensworks - 1
Investigate Forced Chunk Loading
#264 opened by rubensworks - 1
Adding latest Thaumcraft version crashes
#266 opened by rubensworks - 0
Vengeance Spirit crash
#265 opened by rubensworks - 1
Dark Ore bottom texture missing
#267 opened by rubensworks - 0
NetherMonsterBlock crashing
#268 opened by rubensworks - 1
Gemstone torch not working
#269 opened by rubensworks - 1
Undead Leaves buggy
#270 opened by rubensworks - 0
Spirits show bubbles when in water
#271 opened by rubensworks - 0
Crash when filling player containers under Dark Tank
#272 opened by rubensworks - 0
Colossal Blood Chest doesn't visually open
#273 opened by rubensworks