- 1
Dark Tank cant be filled with blood
#158 opened by rubensworks - 1
Exalted crafter: output shift clicking items gives weird stacks
#159 opened by JonaBrackenwood - 0
Libelles should only spawn above Y=60
#160 opened by rubensworks - 0
Disable machines with redstone signal
#163 opened by rubensworks - 0
Biomes 'O Plenty Blood Compat
#161 opened by rubensworks - 0
Spirit Furnace should remember progress
#162 opened by rubensworks - 1
Pedestal cant export to dark tank in SMP
#164 opened by rubensworks - 0
Kineticator sometimes loses items
#165 opened by rubensworks - 1
Spirit Furnace not always forming
#166 opened by rubensworks - 0
Catch Blood Stained Block NPE
#167 opened by rubensworks - 1
Add safety for wrongly removed TE's
#168 opened by rubensworks - 0
Wrong location of spirits
#169 opened by rubensworks - 0
NBT NPE in Crafter
#171 opened by rubensworks - 0
MaceOfDistortion NPE
#170 opened by rubensworks - 1
minor issue with blood infuser
#172 opened by JokerReaper - 0
BI filled Dark Tank doesn't keep contents when placed
#176 opened by rubensworks - 0
EnderTear drop crash
#177 opened by rubensworks - 0
Broom despawns on player death
#184 opened by rubensworks - 1
Add alternative way to spawn lightning storms.
#185 opened by rubensworks - 0
Infinite water block right click
#179 opened by rubensworks - 1
Repelling kineticator resets pickuptime
#180 opened by rubensworks - 0
Necromancer staff spawns invisible mobs
#181 opened by rubensworks - 0
Libelle poison
#182 opened by rubensworks - 0
Reanimating caused box to become unusable
#187 opened by rubensworks - 0
Blood Infuser tenacity not upgrading capacity.
#186 opened by rubensworks - 0
Exalted Crafter crash when lots of lag
#188 opened by rubensworks - 1
EC Tile cast error
#189 opened by rubensworks - 0
Reduce kineticator blood usage
#190 opened by rubensworks - 13
entangled chalice makes water to blood
#191 opened by JokerReaper - 0
Exalted Crafter NPE
#192 opened by rubensworks - 0
Hopper shouldn't extract filling liquid slot in machines
#193 opened by rubensworks - 0
Localization for Waila
#194 opened by Adaptivity - 0
Support for player id's instead of names
#195 opened by rubensworks - 1
Localize version checker message
#197 opened by Adaptivity - 0
Eternal Water Block bugs
#198 opened by rubensworks - 0
Entangled Chalice crafting bug
#200 opened by Davivs69 - 0
Bow on broom
#201 opened by Nziner - 0
Books cant be placed in Purifier anymore.
#202 opened by rubensworks - 0
Sometimes getting degraded spirits
#203 opened by rubensworks - 0
Blood should be able to harden when no clear sky.
#204 opened by rubensworks - 0
Blood Stained Blocks obtainable using quarry
#205 opened by rubensworks - 1
Fancy tooltip info for configurables in config GUI
#206 opened by immortaleeb - 0
Investigate disappearing config comments
#207 opened by rubensworks - 1
Thaumcraft Aspect NPE
#208 opened by rubensworks - 1
Crash when i disable items while thaumcaft aspects are on
#209 opened by Zebia - 1
Catchall around modcompats
#210 opened by rubensworks - 0
Degraded Biome can spawn again.
#214 opened by rubensworks - 0
Bloodstain resets block metadata when vanished
#215 opened by JonaBrackenwood - 0
Blood Chest not automatable
#216 opened by rubensworks - 0
Factorization Blood Chest crash
#217 opened by rubensworks