Evil Notch Lib

Evil Notch Lib


Derp Debug not cleaned Up In SNAPSHOT 67

jprocket45 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Version:1.2.3 Snapshot 67
Issue:server crashes when starting up
Steps to reproduce:install EvilNotchLib 67 on server and it crashes
CrashReport/Log: https://pastebin.com/cvDtjJme
ModPack/ModList: lib only

forgive me if this was not fixed not trying to be a pain just reporting in case you thought it was fixed.


separate issue try 66 if it does I have already fixed it. I was debugging and forgot to remove the lines before compiling it. I had already removed it in yesterday's 12 hour cleanup but, apparently not in the release.


bugs are never a pain unless your in the middle of drowning in asm and 10 are reported half by you. That was three days ago and last week I can take 20 bugs right now without being a pain


going to assume its fixed for next versions and was not there in snapshot 66


snapshot 68 and 69 are pushed or being pushed right now. They no longer have this issue