Ex Compressum

Ex Compressum


[1.7.10_1.1.143] Can't pipe Compressed Hammers into the Auto-Compressed Hammer

DeadSix27 opened this issue · 2 comments


Version: excompressum-mc1.7.10-1.1.143
I'm unable to input Compressed Diamond Hammers with any Pipe into the Auto Compressed Hammer


1.7.10 is no longer supported. Try the latest jenkins version, someone PRed a fix for this that never got released.


Alright I will check it out, thanks and ye I figured its not supported anymore, but a lot of people still play 1.7.10 simply because lots of big mods simply won't get updated... Mainly AE2 :P but that seems to be being worked on (and some other mods) once those get updated .. maybe ...

ANYWAY "Fix hammers can't be automatically inserted (commit: 40ba771) — guhenry3 / detail"
@Jenkins thats all I needed, if the dev version works fine.. I'm happy :) Thanks!

EDIT: Do you mind if i clone a old commit, and apply all fixes that came out later ? Not sure If I would ever release it, probably would only do it for a small circle of people but ye.

If I ever decide to, would you be ok with that? (Afaik your stuff is GNU GPL'd so I guess you are)