Ex Compressum

Ex Compressum


Piping into Auto Compressor accepts items that end up in output slots

BlayTheNinth opened this issue ยท 0 comments


This issue is making automating the auto compressors rather problematic. I'm piping in various Ex Nihilo Omnia dusts, broken ores, etc (using EIO item conduits) into Auto Compressors. If the input slots are full, it still accepts the items, but they end up immediately in the output slots. If it wouldn't accept them when it doesn't have space, then those items would end up queued or going to another auto compressor. I'm not sure how I could ever avoid that other than feeding them back in repeatedly.


EDIT: Would also be nice if it wouldn't accept items it can't compress at all. Not critical, but while I'm here, thought I'd suggest it.