Ex Compressum

Ex Compressum


Lag Mayham when Interacting with EnderIO Conduits / Machines

desagas opened this issue · 2 comments


I have not been able to find information anywhere on this issue.

I am playing on SkyFactory3.04, with inventory tweaks installed client side only, and when I try to pull out of or push into the Auto Hammer / Sieve with any enderio machine or conduit, I get immediate lag. This is only tested with items where there is an issue. Using conduits for pwoer does not cause lag at all.


Using EnderIO 3.1.161, EnderCore and Ex Compressum 2.0.68, I can't reproduce this. I inserted into and extracted from an Auto Sieve with EnderIO Item Conduits without any FPS or TPS drops, and there's nothing suspicious in the profiler logs.

If you can reproduce it, and you're running the latest versions of all mods involved, try running /debug start when the lag issues start appearing, wait a few seconds, then run /debug stop and post the resulting profiler logs (.minecraft/debug/profile-results-....txt) on pastebin. That might help figuring out what's causing the problem.
