Ex Compressum

Ex Compressum


Suggestion: extended information for null reward errors?

DeadSix27 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


[net.blay09.mods.excompressum.ExCompressum/]: Tried to roll sieve rewards from a null reward entry: exnihiloadscensio:blockDust (base chance: 0.03, mesh level: 1)

See: https://github.com/blay09/ExCompressum/blob/f22e3aae2493c0396021e19a62b0665a68b3407a/src/main/java/net/blay09/mods/excompressum/compat/exnihiloadscensio/ExNihiloAdscensioAddon.java#L191

Within for (Siftable siftable : siftables) {


Is it possible to just use siftable.drop.toString() in the error message to make it easier to idenfiy the wrong sieve entry?


Guess its not possible unless ExAdscendio adds a new property to https://github.com/MikeLydeamore/ExNihiloAdscensio/blob/469eb9dbbd73ee0057894a8eca66296e79849b65/src/main/java/exnihiloadscensio/util/ItemInfo.java

that holds the original string from the class creation public ItemInfo(String string)
but idk..


This is something that should be fixed on Adscensio's site in the first place (=> refusing to load the entry rather than just loading it as null, and adding its own log message). My check is just in place to prevent Ex Compressum from crashing if it comes along something like this.