Ex Compressum

Ex Compressum


Crash when using a transfer node (Extra Utilities 2)

maicol07 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


When I put a transfer pipe (from Extra Utilities 2) behind a machine (like Auto Heavy Sieve) and a transfer node (items) under the machine the game crashes. I have to delete manually with MCEdit the transfer node under the machine to get the world work normally. Can you fix this?
MC version: 1.10.2
Crash log: latest.log


The log is cut off, the actual crash log is missing from it.


Sorry, here is the full one:


java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
	at exnihiloomnia.registries.crucible.CrucibleRegistry.getItem(CrucibleRegistry.java:85)
	at exnihiloomnia.blocks.crucibles.tileentity.TileEntityCrucible$1.insertItem(TileEntityCrucible.java:49)
	at com.rwtema.extrautils2.itemhandler.InventoryHelper.transferSlotAtoSlotB(InventoryHelper.java:93)

The crash happened due to a transfer node trying to insert something into an Ex Nihilo Omnia crucible. This is most likely a bug in Ex Nihilo Omnia and should be reported there.


No, when I deleted the transfer node under the auto heavy sieve it loaded the world


I don't know why it says crucible... test it yourself with Auto Heavy Sieve


The crash log is accurate as it shows the exact code sections that lead up to the crash. Nowhere is there any mention of Ex Compressum. Maybe you accidentally connected a crucible without noticing.

Try connecting only the Auto Heavy Sieve with a transfer node in a new world. If you still crash, post the crash log of that, but the log you posted here is completely unrelated to Ex Compressum.


Ok, I'll try it today


I open an issue also in Ex Nihilo Omnia