Ex Nihilo: Creatio

Ex Nihilo: Creatio


Dupe bug with /dank/null integration and sieve

valarnin opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Apologies if this is already fixed in latest version.

Version: 1.12-0.2.4
/dank/null Version: 1.12-1.4.33

Playing on the latest Stoneblock pack, version 1.0.17.

The last item in the slot in the dank null is never consumed, allowing you to sieve it infinitely.

screenshot from 2018-09-30 11-30-28

screenshot from 2018-09-30 11-30-35

screenshot from 2018-09-30 11-30-45

screenshot from 2018-09-30 11-30-54

screenshot from 2018-09-30 11-31-19


Did you have a chance to look into this issue @p455w0rd? :)


Can confirm it still exists in the latest 1.12 branch.

  • Seems it has to be 1 block exactly
  • Any of the modes other than "extract all".

@p455w0rd Any idea on which side this bug is?
Haven't investigated it yet, but maybe you already know it?


ok, so the way the inventory (that ex nihilo sees) works, is it only shows what's usable...I'll have to look into this when I get time, this shouldn't be happening unless you're accessing the inventory via methods other than the IItemHandler..likely on my side