Crucible reverts to unfired when placed over lava.
lsi5974 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Baked an unfired crucible...several times lol and each time it was placed before and after the lava was placed, didnt matter, it reverted back to an unfired crucible.
Im playing in 1.12.2, forge version and using version 0.4.4 of the mod.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to check this out and thanks for the mod.
Could you please post a screenshot of you looking at the crucible with the F3 menu on? Could you also please provide a list of all the mods you have installed?
Sorry, was off for a while. Pretty sure it was lava dynamics causing the issue, Ive removed that mod now and it seems to be working fine.
Okay I think I figured it out. LavaDynamics has a world smelting event which grabs blocks and check if they can be smelted. But it does not seem to handle metadata of blocks (unfired crucible is meta = 0, fired is meta = 1) so for the crucible it messes up.
This function of theirs does not check metadata.
I will open an issue on their github.