Ex Nihilo: Creatio

Ex Nihilo: Creatio


Crash when using Ex Nihilo Creatio silkworms to infest TFC leaves

alcatrazEscapee opened this issue ยท 2 comments


(Quoted from TerraFirmaCraft/TerraFirmaCraft#504)

I was playing a modpack called Terrafirmacraft Reloaded 2 (still in development, currently available here: https://github.com/Verph/TerraFirmaCraft-Reloaded-2/releases). I expected to use a silkworm to infest leaves and acquire string, but the game crashed when the infested leaves attempted to spread to TFC leaf blocks. A similar bug occurs when using a silkworm directly on TFC leaves. I believe it has something to do with a "decay property," which the Ex Nihilo Creatio code can't locate in the TFC code.

Crash log: https://paste.dimdev.org/foxodataqu.mccrash
latest.log: https://hastebin.com/ayetulecad.md

After looking at ExNihlo's code, it seems it already special-cases forestry's leaves, and it would be much appreciated if this could be expanded to special case TFC's leaves as well. Or, for a more general solution, just check if the block state property exists in the block state container before applying it.


Yes this should be fixed on my side, since it is possible there are other mods making leaf blocks without the properties.


Release should fix the leaf properties issue.