[Suggestion] Boom, fixed your Crucibles
ThoughtSpinnr opened this issue · 11 comments
I was in creative. Why can't you take lava out of a Crucible while in creative?
you can, put the bucket won't get filled up, that is vanilla minecraft.
In creative a bucket will never change state, so when you try to pick up water with a empty bucket the bucket will stay empty.
Sorry, but I like the thicker model better, as it makes more sense to have thicker walls when you store molten stone in something.
And the bug with the buckets, could you please elaborate? Taking fluids out works in for me, and putting lava back in is not supported (not not make problems with the current smelting process when there is a different block smelting). Are you sure you were not in creative when taking the fluid out with a bucket?
Yes however the thin crucibles require changes to client.renderers.RenderCrucible, and you can't do that in a resource pack.
And I'll have to disagree with you there about it "making more sense" that the walls be thicker, as by that logic you should make the stone barrels thicker as well. I'm just stating what I think looks better though.
if you still want this to be in I you could send me the jsons and I'll try to see whether it works
Alright, here they are. This should be everything needed.
Lines 45 - 48 in client.renderers.RenderCrucible must be changed to this:
Here are the Jsons: