Can't use GregTech fluids in recipes
TheLimePixel opened this issue · 13 comments
Well, I'm making a GregTech-based skyblock pack and want End Stone to use something a bit more later in the game than Lava. I wanted it to use Nitration Mixture, but when I set the fluid name to "liquid.nitration_mixture" the recipe doesn't exist.
Nope, that's simply how GregTech generates its fluid names. I was thinking that perhaps it doesn't work because it starts with "liquid.".
This is GregTech Community Edition:
Ye could possibly be connected, but I have no idea what might be the cause of either, if I find time this weekend I'll check it out more deeply
Apprently gregtech is doing wierd stuff with their fluids, as in not even Forge regonizes them as a fluid and adds a bucket variant of them.
Those are all buckets, none of which are Gregtech.
In this case I can't really test it either as I have no idea how to obtain the fluids on a different way for quick testing purposes.
I suspect that those two issues have something to do with each other, but not sure.
Welp, tested the recipes and that seems to work just fine as well: