


Chat delay

andreasdc opened this issue ยท 29 comments


There is a delay for chat messages with chat buffer on. I don't know if there's a delay for other buffers.


I'm investigating, didn't see the issue yet. Btw you mentioned that chat delay is delayed by 1 frame, what's the cause? Can you fix it? Or is it not worth it? Did you mean tick or frame?


Can you fix it?

The fuck are you talking about? The server/client needs to process the message when you send it, so it will at least take one tick to make the way around, and that will take at least a frame. That's as fast as vanilla. Also even if there was an added delay of "1 frame". The game runs at easily 200+ fps. Thats faster than your monitor. Who cares if something happens a frame later.


Assuming you have Force Chat Updates off, the delay should be exactly 1 Frame like vanilla.


Unfortunately it can be up to couple seconds, force chat updates off.


Then the server is lagging.


The server is not lagging and chat buffer is the issue.


As you can see, it's not. Messages are not delayed(that part isn't touched at all), and it renders nearly instantly when received. Without any way to reproduce it, there is nothing I can do. Test without other mods, test by disabling some mods.


I don't see this issue at the moment, but with chat buffer it was delayed, without it there was no problem. Maybe it happens after some time or something like that.


without it there was no problem.

Without it the entire mod is turned off.


Exactly and there was no issue.


Again: find a way to reproduce it, especially without other mods. I have the default config settings, and it works just fine. So far also no complaints from anyone else.


Again: find a way to reproduce it, especially without other mods. I have the default config settings, and it works just fine. So far also no complaints from anyone else.



Yes, it should 100% work with that. 60fps is also way too high.


I need it for smooth and fast reactions like chat scroll or health updates. If it only renders per real update and up to the limit I don't think it's problematic.


I have the bug right now, do you want to test something particular? I have up to 7 seconds delay. I think it's something with chat updates. When you have a command for example that takes some slight delay to send and you close chat quickly, you won't see it. When you will open the chat while the delay is going, it will show up instantly.
Testing on multiplayer btw.


The only thing I could imagine is that something weird happens when the chat is so full that it removes messages from the top, and that somehow messes with it maybe. Maybe try F3+D. But also, when its multiplayer and the commands from the server take a slight delay, are you really sure that's not the server?

example that takes some slight delay to send and you close chat quickly

Commands always send instantly, and the chat closes when you send, so what do you mean by "you close it quickly"?

I mean when you receive message with unfocused chat. Then the bug happens. I don't see F3+D doing anything.


The only thing I could imagine is that something weird happens when the chat is so full that it removes messages from the top, and that somehow messes with it maybe. Maybe try F3+D. But also, when its multiplayer and the commands from the server take a slight delay, are you really sure that's not the server?

example that takes some slight delay to send and you close chat quickly

Commands always send instantly, and the chat closes when you send, so what do you mean by "you close it quickly"?


But thats the default? You press enter, chat closes, the message shows a few frames later. Also might be F3+S, it's the clear chat hotkey.


It happens when you receive message on unfocused chat. F3+s crashed my game, but after restart I don't have the issue, so it might be the chat history.


Showing f3+d working, and chat messages received without the chat open.


No, F3+D was correct, but F3+S crashing the game is also an interesting bug with something else^^.


f3 d didn't help but restart helped.


cool, i told you after the restart there is no bug, so it is probably because of chat history.


I think I might have an idea: when the maximum amount of messages is reached, and you have scrolled up. Then it maybe checks the wrong messages for their time? I'll add something that compares the newest message to the last known one. Maybe that fixes it.


I have no idea how chat history works, but you can send messages to the chat limit and if that won't be enough I use MoreChatHistory mod.


Try with this build when its done building.


Can you fix it?

The fuck are you talking about? The server/client needs to process the message when you send it, so it will at least take one tick to make the way around, and that will take at least a frame. That's as fast as vanilla. Also even if there was an added delay of "1 frame". The game runs at easily 200+ fps. Thats faster than your monitor. Who cares if something happens a frame later.

First of all I don't understand what's the reason you are rude to me. Second of all with 1 frame later there is no big problem, 2nd is that I think tick is 50ms so it's kind of worth to get rid of the delay.

I didn't see chat delay in couple of days, so I think it's fixed.


Sorry, I just snapped there from the request to fix a one-frame delay that is just how computers work^^. Also, don't confuse Frames and Ticks. Added to that, 50ms for a chat message is not a lot. Most things in Minecraft are delayed by 50ms(movement, hitting, dropping items etc). Added to that, if your monitor is a 60hz monitor, that adds another 16ms of delay. There is nothing to be fixed here.