Explorer's Compass

Explorer's Compass


[SUGGESTION] Add whitelist

Batimius opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Just like the title says, there should also be a whitelist feature. A friend of mine wants this mod, however, it basically allows you to explore EVERYTHING. I can add to the blacklist, however, there are more blacklisted items than whitelisted ones.

I suggest that a whitelist is added. How this will work is that the blacklist will apply over the default, and the whitelist over the blacklist. So if we had the structures "A", "A.A", "B", and "C", we could have a blacklist of ['A*', 'B'], which would only return "C" in the compass, but if we add a whitelist of ['A.A'], then the compass would return "A.A" and "C".

Alternatively, the game could run purely on whitelist if configured to do so. Either way, this method would allow for specific whitelists without having to worry about adding 100 different structures.