Extended Block Shapes 扩展方块形状

Extended Block Shapes 扩展方块形状


Villager pathfinding error

fulminon opened this issue · 3 comments


The villagers do not see the mod blocks and therefore try to pass through them, which stops them in their path. The error occurs in 1.19.4. On the linked image, the villager jumps on the spot, trying to pass the quarter block.
2023-08-07_15 30 13


Can't make sure that is the bug of the mod. If you persists please reopen.


Hi, i have also encountered this bug. Swapping out the vertical slabs from extshape with ones from a different mod fixes the issue, so it is an extshape bug.

On closer inspection, the difference between the extshape slab and the other mod seems to be a option called "single_slab: true". Extshape slab does not have this option at all.


Thanks for the report. It will be fixed in the next version.