Extended Block Shapes 扩展方块形状

Extended Block Shapes 扩展方块形状


Loot tables for double slab blocks only drop 1 slab

Harvle opened this issue · 1 comments


Hi, I noticed when a slab from this mod (including the blockus addon) which is of type double is broken in survival, you only get 1 slab item back. Looking at the loot tables, it seems they don't have the check to see if they're a double and give 2 items, like vanilla slabs do. examples below:

// Vanilla: Smooth Stone Slab
  "type": "minecraft:block",
  "pools": [
      "bonus_rolls": 0.0,
      "entries": [
          "type": "minecraft:item",
          "functions": [
              "add": false,
              "conditions": [
                  "block": "minecraft:smooth_stone_slab",
                  "condition": "minecraft:block_state_property",
                  "properties": {
                    "type": "double"
              "count": 2.0,
              "function": "minecraft:set_count"
              "function": "minecraft:explosion_decay"
          "name": "minecraft:smooth_stone_slab"
      "rolls": 1.0
  "random_sequence": "minecraft:blocks/smooth_stone_slab"

// Extended Shapes: Dirt Slab
  "type": "minecraft:block",
  "pools": [
      "bonus_rolls": 0.0,
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"
      "entries": [
          "type": "minecraft:item",
          "name": "extshape:dirt_slab"
      "rolls": 1.0

Fixed in the new version. Thanks for reporting.
(Fixed version for MC 1.20.6 and below will be uploaded in a couple of days.)