Item Transformers don't work in Extended Crafting Tables
Atricos opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Mod version: 1.6.1 (I'm aware that 1.7.0 is out, but the changelog doesn't mention anything like this)
Description: CraftTweaker adds some useful features called "Item Transformers" that can be applied in any regular 3x3 craft. (https://docs.blamejared.com/1.12/en/Vanilla/Items/Item_Transformers)
For example, .noReturn()
makes it so items that have durability or Buckets that would otherwise stay in the crafting window get fully consumed.
I have also tried .reuse()
and .transformDamage()
, but neither seems to work.
Example script:
(This is from Divine Journey 2)
I would expect the <matc:supremiumcrystal>
items to get used up due to .noReturn()
, but they don't - they stay in the crafting table (or take 1 durability damage, if the config is set up so that they don't have infinite durability).