Extended Crafting: Nomifactory Edition

Extended Crafting: Nomifactory Edition


Custom compression recipes not taking oredict entries as ingredient and/or output

RBTC opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I also posted this to the official one, but it probably won't get fixed there because it's the 1.12.2 version.
Maybe someone here can help me.

Describe the bug

In a custom compression recipe, oredict entries are not accepted as ingredient or output.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Try to set an oredict entry as ingredient and/or as output in a custom compression recipe

for example:
mods.extendedcrafting.CompressionCrafting.addRecipe(ore:singularityDraconium, ore:ingotDraconium, 10000, extendedcrafting:material:11, 1250000);

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

No errors when executing the script and the recipe working with all entries of the used oredict entry.

Screenshots / Scripts / Logs



Minecraft: 1.12.2
Cucumber: 1.12.2-1.1.3
Extended Crafting: version doesn't really matter, but have tried with official-1.5.6; omnifactory-1.6.0
and omnifactory- versions
CraftTweaker (if applicable):


Quick note, for outputs, you'd want "ore:singularityDraconium.firstItem".


As the CraftTweaker log says, this seems like an issue in your script: your output is an IIngredient rather than an IItemStack. It doesn't make sense for the output to be an IIngredient, because it's not obvious what item it should give.

You might want to use .firstItem to get the first item from the ore dictionary entry, like so:

import mods.extendedcrafting.CompressionCrafting;

    <ore:ingotDraconium>, 10000, <extendedcrafting:material:11>, 1250000);

I am closing this, since there's no evidence of unintended behaviour.