Extended Drawers

Extended Drawers


[Bug]: Shadow drawer doesn't update comparators

MrCookiePrincess opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Description of the issue

Heya, I've got an issue where a comparator reading the contents of a shadow drawer wont update when the amount of items in the shadow drawer changes

So when I take and item out of a shadow drawer or a drawer that contains the same the comparator will only change the redstone output when I update it by placing a block next to it

This on fabric v1.3.5+mc1.19.2

Reproduction steps

  1. Place a drawer, a shadow drawer with one other drawer block in between them
  2. Place a redstone comparator and a little line of redstone wire comming out of the shadow drawer
  3. Add an item to the shadow drawer so it displays the amount of that item in your network
  4. Add a stack of the same item as step 3 to the drawer

The shadow drawer now shows 64 of that item. Expected result is the redstone wire will now have a power of one but it the power still shows 0

  1. Now placing a block next to the comparator will update it and the redstone wire will now have the correct power of one

Mod version


Operating System

Windows 10

Minecraft version


Other mods







Nothing in logs

Extra Context

Here a little screenshot of my test setup,
I just added 64 stone in the drawer bringing it to 320 meaning redstone output should be 5 not 4