Extended Drawers

Extended Drawers


[Bug]: Access points stop seeing drawers

L3G1T1SM3 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Description of the issue

I have two drawer walls(not connected to each other) and their access points have stopped allowing items to be right clicked into them to be added to the wall. Putting a crafting and storage terminal(From toms simple storage) on them had in the past allowed for a rudimentary ae2esq me system which would correctly show all the items from the wall. Now suddenly they do not work doing 3 things.

  1. Right clicking to dump items to said wall
  2. See any of the drawers attached when using either the crafting terminal or the storage terminal
  3. Occasionally will allow for seeing certain drawers but only around 3-4 of the drawers out of 40 or so

Also the access point in the second room when paired with a terminal will see a dual drawer regardless of if it is connected to it in any way. See attached images.
I am aware they need to be surrounded by drawers to see other drawers. This is an issue on top of not working as intended with APs

Even more oddities. Rebuilding a small access point and drawer system above my storage does make a AP and Drawer system that does seem to work. And other Drawer Wall and APs do work elsewhere on the server. (I can post logs or whatever too if needed.)

Attempts to fix:
Running /graphlib debugrender start kicks me from server even though I am opped
replacing configs with provided ones from STATECH Industry
Breaking and Replacing access points with new ones
Moving problematic drawers to a new area and making a small wall with an ap and crafting terminal>This works fine

Modpack:STATECH Industry version 1.0.4.
Tom's Simple Storage version is 1.5.7
I did upgrade to 1.0.0 to 1.0.4 and this occurred a good while after upgrading.

Reproduction steps

I would attempt to replicate this issues but given the walls work elsewhere on the server I have no point of reference as to what caused this or when other than it started yesterday suddenly. Perhaps after a crash or restart though. If needed i can post crash logs.

Mod version


Operating System

Windows 10

Minecraft version


Other mods





Not tested



Extra Context

2023-07-04_17 22 14
2023-07-04_17 22 16


Closing for now. If you have reliable reproduction steps, please send them