Extended Drawers

Extended Drawers


[Feature]: Drawers for other wood types

some-du6e opened this issue · 10 comments


Description of the feature

pretty simple (i think)
also byg support?

How does it make the mod better?

it makes more deco choices

spruce on top btw

For modded drawers: I don’t think it’s difficult to support MehVahdJukaar/WoodGood and list it as an optional dependency, if that would work?


@dhouck The thing preventing me from moving forward with alternative wood types isn't a system for adding drawers of types or other implementation details. The thing holding me back is a lack of good textures for wood types. Every supported wood type needs five different textures, which is a lot, especailly with modded woods.


Please elaborate. The drawers are already based on barrels which are based on spruce. I might implement a drawer with custom texture at some point


Eg: drawer made with birch creates a drawer with a birch texture.
Also migrating can be done by using block states


Drawers for different wood types might become a thing, but the main issue is that I'd need 10x the textures as each wood type would need their own. Then there's also mod comaptibility, tons of mods add wood types and I'd need to either support them or add an api to create custom drawer types.


I've never done anything similar, but I think it's possible to do it dynamically. I suggest taking a look at how ae2 makes facades, maybe you can figure out a way to do it. As you probably know there are other drawer mods that allows the player to customize drawers to any texture they like but I've never seen one for fabric, it would be a nice feature to have.


I've been considering camo drawers, it's just that the implementation isn't trivial because the server has to decide what blocks can be used and the client has to try to apply the texture.

I am currently talking with someone that might be able to make the wood type drawers as an addon.


one possibility would maybe be to somehow have a system to detect if there is a new wood type from another mod, aand if there is, take the average color of that woods plank texture, maybe change it a bit to compensate for its shading by turning up the gamma of the color value, and then applying that color dynamically to a grayscale version of the existing textures, the same way color maps are used in game for biomes. the hardest part of this might be to find a good way to detect the new wood types existance tho i believe


one possibility would maybe be to somehow have a system to detect if there is a new wood type from another mod, aand if there is, take the average color of that woods plank texture, maybe change it a bit to compensate for its shading by turning up the gamma of the color value, and then applying that color dynamically to a grayscale version of the existing textures, the same way color maps are used in game for biomes. the hardest part of this might be to find a good way to detect the new wood types existance tho i believe

Another hard part is getting the average of the texture. Systems like this also suffer from issues where the server, which has to decide what drawers exist, doesn't know anything about the models of the wood types. Overall I'm definitely not implementing a dynamic system for this. It's too much work for a system too likely to break.


I'm just brainstorming here.

Would it not be possible to pick a face of any block textures and apply the drawer face patterns as transparent black-and-white patterns? Use a blending mode to make it even better. Of course, this would not look 100% correct for everything, but you can make 3 to 4 different transparency patterns and let the players use some tool to switch between them.

I might try with an add-on if there is an API I could use to interact with the backend system and apply the block behaviors to any custom block.