Extended Drawers

Extended Drawers


[Feature]: More control over how much items you take

BenjaTK opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Description of the feature

I think it could be interesting to add more "modifiers" to take different amount of items. The idea I had was:
Shift: 64 items
Shift + Alt: 32
Ctrl: 16
Ctrl + Alt: 8

How does it make the mod better?

I know this could make it a bit overcomplicated so I understand if you don't add it, but I think it would be a good QOL feature to have to reduce click spamming or taking a stack and going to your inventory to divide it.


This would quickly become complicated because the server, which handles giving you items, doesn't know about what keys you are pressing. The client sends the sneaking status that I used currently. I'd need to implement keybinds and syncing. Consider hooking up your drawers to a digital storage mod if you want easy access.