Extended Drawers

Extended Drawers


[Bug]: Load order dependent mixin conflict with QSL

CarlMichaelFabe opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Description of the issue

With both Supplementaries and Friends and Foes installed, somehow the compacting drawer doesn't compact clay into clay blocks anymore.
This also happens with You've Goat to be Kidding Me mod.


I observed this happening in 2 environments. Written in the Other mods section below.

Reproduction steps

  1. Install mods specified in either environment
  2. Put clay inside compacting drawer

Mod version


Operating System

Windows 11

Minecraft version


Other mods

Environment 1

  • QFAPI 7.4.0_qsl-6.1.2_fapi-0.90.0_mc-1.20.1
  • Quilt Kotlin Libs 2.1.3+kt.1.9.10+flk.1.10.10
  • Extended Drawers 2.1.0+mc.1.20.1
  • Friends and Foes 1.20.1-2.0.6
  • Moonlight 1.20-2.8.79-fabric
  • Supplementaries 1.20-2.7.17-fabric

Environment 2

  • QFAPI 7.4.0_qsl-6.1.2_fapi-0.90.0_mc-1.20.1
  • Quilt Kotlin Libs 2.1.3+kt.1.9.10+flk.1.10.10
  • Extended Drawers 2.1.0+mc.1.20.1
  • Moonlight 1.20-2.8.78-fabric
  • You've Goat to be Kidding Me 1.20-1.3.4






No crash

Extra Context

No response


I've tested in another environment to narrow things down! The issue still occurs when only Moonlight Lib is installed.

  • Extended Drawers 2.1.0+mc.1.20.1
  • Moonlight 1.20-2.8.80-fabric
  • Quilt Kotlin Libs 2.1.3+kt.1.9.10+flk.1.10.10
  • QFAPI 7.4.0+0.90.0-1.20.1
  • Quilt Loader 0.23.0-beta.1



Thanks, this will help a lot with debugging


Update: seems like moonlight lib isn't the issue. Right now looking like QKL is somehow at fault


Figured it out. This is a mod load order dependent mixin incompatibility with QSL. I think you can temporarily fix this by using jvm args to force extended drawers to load before qsl (or the other way, not sure)


What's interesting here is that the compacting recipe for clay is manually added instead of being generated from recipes. For environment 1, are you sure both are required?


Sorry for the late reply.

For environment 1, are you sure both are required?

From the time I tested it, yes both were required. With only Supplementaries and Moonlight Lib installed, there were no issues, Same with only Friends and Foes.
Though it seems Supplementaries and Moonlight Lib have both been updated, so I don't know if it still works in that environment.

Figured it out. This is a mod load order dependent mixin incompatibility with QSL. I think you can temporarily fix this by using jvm args to force extended drawers to load before qsl (or the other way, not sure)

For now, I think I'll just manually add the upacking recipe for clay as a workaround. Changing the mod load order seems a bit too much for me atm and it might mess other things up.

But still, thank you for your time! You can close this now if you want.


I'll close this myself once the issue is solved


Update with a fix releasing soon