Extended Mushrooms

Extended Mushrooms


Port to 1.16

cech12 opened this issue · 1 comments


Some notices for the port to 1.16:

  • Mixin has been included in forge for 1.16.1 since version 32.0.72 (MixinBootstrap mod not needed) ✔ (tested) ✔
  • harvest levels for hoes in 32.0.105 (maybe it is interesting for big mushrooms?) Not for now! ✔
  • 1.16.2 new tag: mushroom_grow_block ✔

1.15 mods in 1.16

new 1.16 mods

1.15 mods that are only portet to 1.16.1 or 1.16.2

1.15 mods that no longer exist in 1.16


released in 1.5.0