Extended Mushrooms

Extended Mushrooms


Fairy Ring Recipes

cech12 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Add recipes to the new Fairy Ring crafting.


Possible normal recipes:

Grass - Infested Grass
Dirt - Mycelium
Grass Block - Mycelium
Sapling - Dead Bush
any Flower - Infested Flower

Possible Fairy recipes:

Switching: Glowstone Crumbs + Flower + Feather + Gold Ingot
Glowstone Crumbs - Fairystone Crumbs
Glowstone Dust - Fairystone Dust
Glowstone - Fairystone (pink variant of glowstone)
any mushroom - Fairyshroom (like glowshroom but pink, but drops also)
Water Bottle - Bottle with clouds
Wet Sponge + any Wool - Sponge + Cloud Block (similar recipes with other water things)
Gold Ingot - Fairy Gold Ingot
Emerald - Rubellit

Possible witch recipes:

Switching: Nether Wart + Mushroom + Rotten Flesh
any Flesh - Rotten Flesh

Fairy & Witch recipes are skipped for now. Maybe they are implemented later.