Extended Mushrooms

Extended Mushrooms


Glowshroom & Poisonous Mushroom

cech12 opened this issue · 0 comments


Glowshroom (blue with yellow dots)

  • Items: Glowstone Crumbs
  • Effect: Nightvision
  • Behavior: Glowing
  • Accessible: naturally
  • Items craftable: tipped arrow with Nightvision

Poisonous Mushroom (purple with green dots)

  • Effect: Poison
  • Accessible: naturally
  • Items craftable: tipped arrow with poison
  • Brewable Items: Potion of Poison

Common Mushroom Implementations

  • Bottom of new "hat blocks" should also have another texture for more variety (is possible ✔)
  • Maybe other mushroom stems and related wood for more variety! (is possible ✔)
  • new mushrooms should spawn everywhere, where normal mushrooms are spawning ✔
  • big mushrooms randomly add some effect clouds on the ground (like lingerin potions) ✔