Extra Golems

Extra Golems


Golems using a block to provide a function such as light or redstone crash on pathfinding

TheGlitch76 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The relevant crash report can be found here.

This happens when an entity is pathfinding. The current crash report shows a slight downwards momentum, but I need more crashes from different worlds to see if this is what causes it.
This issue will be edited with more information as I find it.

If you get a crash report similar to what I have linked above, please post it here.

EDIT: It seems like all crashes happen with the golem's momentum at y= -0.08


Functionality removed in 7.00-pre1 (PR #12)
Marking as wontfix, but if someone feels like going through the time to implement it themselves and prove it is stable they can go ahead.