The movement of Enchanted Orchid is asymmetric
HoshinoTented opened this issue · 1 comments
int r = ConfigHandler.EO_RANGE;
if(consumed >= shouldCost){
for(int x = -r; x < r; x++)
for(int z = -r; z < r; z++){
if(getWorld().getBlockState(getPos().add(x, -1, z)).getBlock() == Blocks.GRASS && hasIngot){
getWorld().setBlockState(getPos().add(x, -1, z), ModBlocks.enchantedSoil.getDefaultState());
hasIngot = false;
consumed = 0;
Because of the <
operator, it will transform 8 * 1 * 8 grass blocks to Enchanted Soil: 4 blocks in the negative direction of the x-axis, and 3 in the positive direction. The z-axis too.
Is it a bug?