


Extreme lag spike when Gaia MK3 launches those unique pixies

border999 opened this issue · 17 comments


I've got a stupidly powerful laptop, and I'm still hitting pretty much zero when it comes to FPS when I try to fight Gaia MK3 because of those oppenents he sends out. Is it possible that your mod has a problem with optifine or something?


dont you build the arena on a water field?gaia will destroy liquid block


yes I did, however i did disable it's destructive abilities through the config.


also this started happening today and I'd like your weigh-in.


https://paste.dimdev.org/urayifedam.mccrash and here's the crashlog is you just don't care to check that link.


also. I know it's the pixies and the mines because there are moments during my 1 FPS fight that things go back to normal, and that's when all of those things have disappeared.


that’s weird, you’re the first who has problem with those opponents...
And for the crash report, I haven’t updated tinker construct compat yet, it seems that tic has something changed.


My tic compat is based on tinker construct-1.12.2- (Nearly 5 months ago) My fault, I will update the compat soon.


still really odd though, because the crash only started today. it was all working yesterday.


really weird, I have updated to TConstruct-1.12.2- and conarm-1.12.2-1.2.3, but there is no such problem :X


in the same boat here man, like I said "started happening yesterday" I've tried removing the configs for the mods. still crashes. No ideas.


updated, crash still occurs. Recommendation, implementation of some sort of check to see it tinkers has already added stats for a material before adding it's own.


maybe you can try disabling construct armory support in extrabotany.cfg


doesn't work. Because it doesn't get to that config before the crash. My evidence? I removed that config and it has yet to regenerate before a crash yet
Also I have tried turning it off and it still doesn't help


can confirm now, using global update function to force change the config option fixed the issue. Also taking a look at the area under my battle with the guardian proved you correct. It was trying to erase all the water. Why it was only doing this at certain times during the fight I do not know but filling in the ocean underneath the arena fixed the extreme lag of the fight. quick question can I only hurt your MK3 with botania tools? and even then only for 8 damage at a time?


I recommend just looking into this stuff, especially that config bug.


Botania, vanilla and extrabotany tools. Enchantments and potions are suggested.
I will check that bug.